The aim of this website is to provide a guide to students in planning their pathways towards further education, training and employment.
It contains a detailed list of courses to be offered at this school. Further information regarding connections between subjects and career pathways will be available next year.
How to select courses for 2025.
To select your courses for next year, click on either 'courses' or 'learning areas'.
Please choose your top five subjects you would like to take (your 'core' subjects) and three back-up options.
Things to think about when selecting Level 2 courses:
You will need to consider the following:
- Your future pathway plans A and B and what you need to get there;
- Discuss your choices with your family/whānau;
- Check curriculum coverage - Do not double up on a subject as you will have access to a limited number of achievement standards.
- English is not compulsory, however it is strongly recommended. If you choose not to take English, you will need an approved plan to gain your UE literacy credits. This plan will need to be discussed with your hub coach and approved by Celeste as LAL of English.
- Some Auckland University courses require you to have Level Two English credits - please check this before making your selections.
- If you have not achieved numeracy (10 numeracy or maths credits) you MUST opt into Maths OR discuss this directly with Tanya (Maths LAL/Learning Area Leader).
Things to think about when selecting Level 3 courses:
You will need to consider the following:
- Your pathway plans and what you need to get there; You should have a Plan A and a Plan B;
- Discuss your choices with your family/whānau;
- The Pathways team will be available to support your decision making and selection process, drop in to see them in Hudson.
- All Q3’s can select one line of self-directed STUDY. In Q3 students are required to have at least FOUR different subjects in their SPIN choices. If you take a STUDY line, this may impact on the overall number of credits available to you and therefore may impact on students aiming for competitive entry tertiary courses. You should discuss taking a STUDY line with your whānau, Hub coach, and/or Pathways team.
- At Q3 there are no prerequisites for courses, however, many courses are very difficult to start at this level. If you wish to pick up a course for the first time at Y13 level, you will need a discussion with, and permission from the appropriate Learning Area Leader to pick up a subject for the first time in Q3. The outcome of this may include not taking the course.