12 Geography

Course Description

12 Geography

Tungia te Ururua, kia tupu Whakaritorito te tupu O te harakeke - Clear the undergrowth so that the new shoots of the flax will grow. 

Guided by this whakatauki, we will clear aside current solutions to complex societal and environmental problems that aren’t working and will look for new, innovative approaches. In Level 2 Geography, we will work alongside you to develop your skills as both a kaitiaki (guardian) and a kaiwhakamarumaru (protector) of the precious communities and ecosystems of Aotearoa New Zealand. We’ll do this starting with an overview of different domains of te ao mārama (the natural world of life and light) affected by humanity and which affect us in turn: Te Whenua / the land, Te Moana / the ocean, Te Koiroa O Te Koiria / Biodiversity and He Tangatata / people. We will also explore ways in which others in our community are working to protect the diverse range of organisms in our oceans, forests and rivers. You will carry out an investigation into a range of case studies, as well as develop your own project to make a positive contribution to that area.

Note: Field trips will take place throughout the course, which students are strongly encouraged to attend.


Assessment Information

Total Credits Available: 18
Total Internal Credits: 14
Total External Credits: 4
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
Level 1 Numeracy Credits: 0
UE Literacy Credits: 4 Reading/0 Writing


Credits and Achievement Standards listed on courses may change without notice. 

Any costs or contributions are a guideline only.